Stars TCOOP Token With Reload Is A No-Brainer

The Turbo Championship Of Online Poker will soon be here – and Pokerstars are offering a $27 entry to one of the events with a $100 reload.
Submitted by Planet Mark on Wed, 01/16/2013 - 17:08
The Turbo Championship Of Online Poker will soon be here – and Pokerstars are offering a $27 entry to one of the events with a $100 reload.
Submitted by Planet Mark on Wed, 01/16/2013 - 17:08
Decided to cancel my subscription to PokerXFactor yesterday. Although I rarely used this over the past couple of years it was still a sad moment in some ways.
Submitted by Planet Mark on Fri, 01/04/2013 - 13:50
It feels great to be back at Planet HQ after a relaxing holiday break. While the poker sites get back into sorting out their offers and specials for the new year – I thought it would be good to list some of the upcoming tournament events which we already know about. These are the ‘Super Sale’ returning at Titan, the TCOOP at PokerStars and the Mini-FTOPS at Full Tilt. I’ll start with a quick mention of some big ‘overlays’ at the US friendly Carbon Poker.
Submitted by Planet Mark on Wed, 01/02/2013 - 15:02
Most poker players can be categorized as recreational or amateur – we play poker for fun, hopefully make some money - yet and have an income / life outside of the game. Yet, most poker articles are written by pros – or at least mimic the ‘obviously’ great advice that the pros do publish. For me there is a contradiction here. The advice you are reading is mostly by pro grinders for aspiring pro grinders. Taking this one step further the question becomes: What is the pro poker advice that recreational players should ignore? I had 3 ideas to start off with.
Submitted by Planet Mark on Mon, 12/10/2012 - 13:52
With the Micro Millions about to start again I thought it was a good time to examine the question of whether 10 hour tournaments with 10k+ fields were actually worth the effort… and if so should you change your strategy in any way for this size of game? Surely there is nothing more depressing in poker than playing for 6 hours in a big game only to bust for a mini-cash. In the Micro-Millions this could be $5 profit on the game… less than a buck per hour played! Here are some thoughts on different ways of looking at these games + a chance (if you are quick) to claim an extra $3.30 entry token for both new and existing PokerStars players!
Submitted by Planet Mark on Tue, 11/13/2012 - 16:54
I could not resist a few games of poker this week, even though I usually do not play during the week (you try working on poker sites all day and then playing at night and see how fast you lose your mind!). The reason was the return of Full Tilt… and I must say, it is good to be back at what was once my favorite site! First up, it is funny how quickly you forget those little annoyances… like the *$"~^£g info webpages which come up every time you accidentally click on a ‘badge’ or the messages which come up on the middle of the table obscuring the bets of opponents at the top of the screen.
Submitted by Planet Mark on Fri, 11/09/2012 - 14:27
Seems that there are a lot of poker events being announced at the moment, both big and small. While I do have a (more static) Online Poker Events page – this is more of an overview / reference style piece. So, today a list of some dates for your poker diaries… mostly tournament events, with the notable exception of the return of Full Tilt. Update: After some readers feedback, I have added some more to this list!
Submitted by Planet Mark on Wed, 10/24/2012 - 11:28
I do not often write about my own play here at SNG Planet. Since the size and reach of the site is now so large, I feel that my individual games are really not that important! After a small win in a PLO tournament (a hardly brag-worthy $3+rebuy!) I realized that there were a few interesting points in the game which would fit well with the beginners / improvers who enjoy this site. Names have been omitted to protect the fish!
Submitted by Planet Mark on Mon, 10/01/2012 - 14:29