Are Poker Software Tools Fair??

Today I am going to mull over the arguments in a debate that is (almost) as old as online poker itself… Are Poker Software Tools Fair?
Submitted by Planet Mark on Mon, 07/05/2010 - 10:47
Today I am going to mull over the arguments in a debate that is (almost) as old as online poker itself… Are Poker Software Tools Fair?
Submitted by Planet Mark on Mon, 07/05/2010 - 10:47
Some of the more popular articles here at SNG Planet are the 'Pro Strategy' insights, according to my stats at least. I was actually surprized by how many we have managed to accumulate - so thought it was about time they got organized into a list / jump off page here...
Submitted by Planet Mark on Tue, 06/29/2010 - 10:02
It feels like the 'Are the games getting tougher' posts and threads are becoming more and more numerous these days. For me this debate is getting old, is often started by players who experienced the positive side of variance early and are now finding that they are not as good as they thought they were... and misses out on one important thing - the SNG Player Lifecycle.
Submitted by Planet Mark on Wed, 06/23/2010 - 09:21
Thought I would post this months newsletter, it went out last week - and in the fast moving world of poker already has one out of date story. Anyway, I enjoy writing once a month and anyone who would like to keep up with some of the exciting plans the Planet Corp has can get these by subscribing to our 'Comedy of Errors' eBook...
Submitted by Planet Mark on Mon, 06/21/2010 - 10:49
Decided to clear one of my bookshevles today... and found a whole bunch of poker books which have been sitting there for a while. Now, these are only a small selection of my total number of poker books (hey I started in the days when the video training was not so common!). Anyway, going to take the opportunity to write a 1 or 2 line mini-review of each, will continue with the rest of the collection another time...
Submitted by Planet Mark on Sat, 05/22/2010 - 11:08
Something slightly different to announce today - we have created a simple (but effective!) poker plugin for wordpress users. This contains 50 poker quotes, and displays one at random each time you view the page it is installed on. Let me explain the thinking here...
Submitted by Planet Mark on Mon, 05/17/2010 - 10:09
I'm coming out today - yep I've decided I'm the SCOOP Grinch!
Submitted by Planet Mark on Mon, 05/03/2010 - 13:40
A new series of blog posts starting today. While many SNG players are relatively new to poker and grinding out a bankroll... some who started in Sit n Goes have made it to the very top of the game.
Submitted by Planet Mark on Fri, 04/30/2010 - 10:53