In between some running, shopping and general drinking this weekend I managed to discover some great videos. These are at Casino Affiliate Programs, a site I had not visited for a good couple of years, and featured some industry giants including the CEO of Poker Listings and Poker Strategy and the former Pokerstars VIP manager.I have to say that after watching a few of them I was both inspired and motivated.
These interviews definitely benefited from the interviewer (Warren Jolly) being a successful player in the gambling business for many years… As an aside, his own interview over at Mixergy is worth a watch (pretty sure you need membership to see it, though maybe not). When I watch or read anything poker or business related I have the thought of ‘what is my take away?’ at the forefront of my mind. By the way recent articles here will have little quote boxes highlighting the key take-aways… this is me adjusting to the speed of scanning / reading articles increasing these days… Anyway, after going through just the latest few videos I had a list of take-aways to start thinking about…
I’m already thinking of how to implement them here at SNG Planet and throughout my network. I'm planning on checking out some more (Deuces Cracked CEO is next) this evening after my days writing duties are completed. I recommend watching these interviews – my motivation is already high, and watching people who have made millions in this business is a sure-fire way to push it even higher. – Also Inspirational, Though Not Gaming Focused Just a quick mention for, which is site featuring lots of interviews with some very successful entrepreneurs… The interviewer – Andrew Warner – is excellent, really getting the best out of many interviewees. Things are changing there a little at the moment with more tutorials, which are not really my cup of tea. Even though most of the interviews are free I subscribed there to show my ‘appreciation’, the motivation (and take-aways) those successful people have given me is more than worth the price.
A Couple More Gambling Focused Sites To Add Couple more blogs which can help with a little inspiration for those in the business wondering what to focus on this week. First, Dealer Dan’s Affiliate Bible is excellent, always thought provoking and written with a wit and style which makes reading a pleasure. Finally, though not updated so often these days I enjoy browsing Gambling Cash Cow – once again this is good clear writing from a successful affiliate… plenty of take-aways too. That’s it for today, back to writing for poker fans for a couple more posts in the pipeline this week! GL at the tables, Mark PS: See what I did? I simply linked to sites which added real value that I felt would be genuinely interesting for readers... imagine if the whole of the internet was like that, wouldn't that be cool... ah well, I know I know... its already too late.
Submitted by Planet Mark on Mon, 04/16/2012 - 11:02