Many Tools Are Banned Or Restricted By The Major Poker Sites
– This List Of Approved Poker Tools Shows You Which Are Fine To Use!
With so many online poker software tools to choose from, it can be hard to know which ones are fine to use and which are banned by the major poker sites. With the threat of frozen accounts, or even frozen bankrolls – it makes sense to do your homework on this subject!
This article lists the leading poker tools, giving an explanation of what each does and who will benefit the most and links to the review for more information. I’ll cover a range of tools including calculators, heads-up displays and beginner ‘advice engines’. All of the tools listed below have the approval of the major poker sites.
If you are unsure of which tools are approved, the best place to head is the PokerStars website. Stars are considered the strictest site when it comes to fair use of 3rd party poker software, and if a particular product is on their list then you can be confident that it is ok to use at the other major sites too.
Approved Online Poker Tools List - Key Software
Poker Calculator Pro: This is a ‘best of breed’ online poker calculator, it provides you odds and calculations in real time and is unrivalled when it comes to a tool to improve your game by learning the math of different situations when away from the tables. This tool helps you cut out all those long-term negative equity plays’ at the table. Cash game players will love this one, just plug in some ranges and get an instant edge over your opponents by understanding the finer elements of equity in different situations. This tool comes from the highly acclaimed ‘Poker Pro Labs’ and really is the best calculator there is. Check out my review here or see the full spec here.
Holdem Manager 2: A favorite among poker pros in both cash games and tournaments – this is the most powerful database / heads-up-display combo you can buy. It collects data on opponents for every hand you play, displaying their statistics alongside their avatar. This shows you how tight they are, how aggressive, how often they 3 bet and 4 bet, how often they continuation bet or defend blinds… and more. With this info you can quickly adapt your play to exploit a particular opponent’s weak points. It also quickly highlights who the ‘fish’ are so you can focus on them. With a database of your own hands you will also be able to find your own leaks and weaknesses – and hopefully plug them! With a ton of add-on apps this really is the real-deal, if you are playing without it then you are at a serious disadvantage at the tables. See my Holdem Manager 2 Review for more info, or check out their website for yourself here.
Tournament Indicator: This approved poker tool is an advice engine which is very well suited to beginners. This tracks opponents and uses an algo based on Dan Harrington’s ‘M’ to advise you on the best play. It does not play for you, which keeps it on the good side of the poker sites. What this tool does is stop you making mistakes while you learn the strategy for different stages of tournament play. My advice is to stay tuned to the advice offered, and try and work out why that is the (mathematically) correct play. After a while you will see patterns, and can eventually stop using this tool altogether. A great way to cash in some tournaments while you are learning the game! My review is here, or you can see some screenshots over at the Tournament Indicator Website. (The screenshot below shows you some of the information available from Tournament Indicator)
Tournament Shark: This is awesome for both multi-table tournaments and Sit N Goes. Tournament Shark attaches to your tables and shows you statistics on each opponent, allowing you to instantly know whether you are playing a hardened pro or a complete fish. This is great when you are multi-tabling, giving you that extra ‘read’ in situations where you might otherwise have had to guess. Once again this is from the Poker Pro Labs, who work hard to ensure that all of their tools are approved by the main poker sites. See my Tournament Shark Review here or check out PPL now!
Omaha Indicator: A tool for fans of 4 hole-cards to finish, again this one is aimed at beginning players, an again this will stop you making mistakes while you learn the game. What I like about this one is that, in addition to opponent profiling, you get a real-time Omaha odds overview. There are tons of situations in this game where the hands are closer than you think, and leaving money in the middle can be a drain on your bankroll over time. Omaha indicator will work with high and high-low variations, your game will improve spectacularly fast! See my detailed review here or check out the Omaha Indicator website for yourself.