April 2010
Thoughts About Pressure In Poker

Working full time in the poker business does mean less time for playing these days, what I find is that I tend to play whichever games require articles - and this weekend was not exception....
Site Updates - We Have An Overflow!

One piece of feedback we receive fairly often here at Planet HQ is that there are simply too many articles to choose from... today we made an important step in correcting this situation, by...
When Will Pokerstars Release Their WSOP Qualifiers Schedule + Satellite Mistakes!

Seeing the question of when will Pokerstars release their WSOP qualifiers schedule popping up all over the place at the moment... so, in the interests of public service I thought...
Pokerstars Introduce Knockout SNGs

Good news today, and some speculation too, as Pokerstars introduce 'Knockout SNG Tournaments' to their offering. Checked these out this morning and they seem to be filling up fast - right up to...
Rush Poker Tournaments - Update

Well, I said on Friday I'd play a 'bunch' of Rush tournaments... well, is 2 a bunch? Anway, some interesting discussion on many of the forums + my own experiences so far to mention today. And hey...
SNG Players Who Made It Big - Intro + Part 1

A new series of blog posts starting today. While many SNG players are relatively new to poker and grinding out a bankroll... some who started in Sit n Goes have made it to the very top of the game...